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  • Amie Elizabeth White

February feels and my favourite ways to Divide and Conquer

Updated: Jun 6, 2020

Well hello friends and followers! January is done and I'm writing again. I haven't posted in a while despite having a number of pieces waiting to be published. I've been superbly busy with my work at Swoon, researching for other design projects, or the time has just never felt quite right. But I'm back today and bringing a post full of my latest obsession: the Room Divider.

I am currently working on 6 designs for clients, 4 of which are for open plan spaces that need to serve for living, lounging and dining but need to stay away from looking like a studio apartment. Like most people, they don't have the ability or resources to separate each room by walls and doors but still want privacy and design dedication for each individual space. On top of this, there is the imperative need for the different areas to work together to create one, harmonious whole instead of fighting against each other to claim their own sphere. This is where the use of smaller, token 'walls' comes into play with their ability to section areas without overwhelming or shrinking the space you have. In effect, they create more 'room' without needing more space - something most of us are in desperate need of.

There are so many different styles, sizes, materials and uses for a room divider - they are wholly underestimated and definitely under-used. From simple standalone panels to window fixtures, fireplaces, fabrics and furniture, you really can get inventive with the way you choose to do this. They can be used as a key, artistic feature of the room or more simply, as an entryway into the next section you have. I love the use of sheer fabrics which flow from the ceiling, and my real push-the-boat-out design would include a sheet of water like you see in spas stretched across the centre of the room. Although not to my personal taste, I am currently working on a grown-up boho style living/dining space which is using a hammock chair to divide it up - I just pray they don't try to eat their dinner whilst sat in it! From the traditional Shoji to glammed up shelving, see the rest of my inspo below:

Anybody else in need of a fireplace like above?

Divide and conquer, complete.

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