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  • Writer's pictureAmie Elizabeth White

August Kitchen: My lists of 3

I haven't done a food post for a while so thought I would do a little insight on my August menu - what I'm cooking, the recipes I am using, the products I'm buying and what has caught my eye in general. For me, August is usually a month of tomato salads, grilled meats and picnic treats to eat al fresco, and there's usually a week or two spent eating and drinking alongside ocean views as we holiday. Throughout the month, I pine after such a setting and my kitchen becomes a place of re-creating holiday recipes or finding comfort on a plate as the rain pours outside! I had planned on doing a collection of recipes for al-fresco dining but the unpredictable weather and current social limitations has largely prevented that. Instead, I've been focussing on British produce, on shopping more locally, shopping seasonally, and staying in the know with product launches from the safety of my home...

3 Recipes I'm Using

  1. Deliciously Ella's Mint Chocolate Milkshake from Deliciously Ella Fresh Mint, Avocado, Banana, Almond Milk or Water, 3 Dates, Cacao Powder I'll be using my Supernova Naked powder with water in place of banana and almond milk. I'm happy using dried herbs but there are certain times when only fresh will suffice. This is one of them.

  2. Thai Larb Salad from LEON Fast Vegan Green Beans, Onions, Walnuts, Thai Basil, Sesame Oil, Chillies, Seaweed Powder, Limes I'm not a vegan by any standards but copied this recipe a few months ago as something to try when basil and french beans were in season and I had the other ingredients to hand. If you have never used sesame oil then you should definitely branch out. Not only does it add a great flavour, it is anti-inflammatory and full of antioxidents and healthy fats that are fantastic for your skin.

  3. Hot Smoked Trout and Broccoli Tart with Seeded Rye Pastry I have rainbow trout fillets waiting patiently for me to try this recipe. I had it saved as one of my practice runs for the al-fresco dining post I started but thought I would share the link here so that you have something to prep should we get a few days of sunshine sooner rather than later.

3 Recipes I'm Trialling

If successful, I'll be adding them to my repertoire and serving the gazpacho and sardines on repeat over the next month!

  1. Tomato & Pepper Gazpacho with White Sesame Seeds & Feta. I am sure a mix of sesame seeds would work equally as well here, but I have white sesame seeds to hand and I adore how toasting them in a hot pan releases a mass of extra flavour and always do this before adding them to my foods.

  2. Roasted Duck Breast with Goats Cheese, Currants, Tomatoes, and Peas. This will definitely be a "test kitchen" recipe and I just pray that the flavours work together when I try it. My herb of choice is fresh mint, and I will dress it with a dash of vinaigrette and black pepper.

  3. Grilled Sardines with Currants, Pistachios, Lemon and Parsley. Fail-proof, I believe! I plan to serve these with a herby leaf salad, lemon wedges and sea salt flakes.

3 Items I'm Trying

  1. Pip & Nut Salted Smooth Peanut Butter I want to say I'll be using this in some recipes but I know the majority will be used simply spooned out of the jar.

  2. Made for Drink Mangalitza Salami Chips I'm quite excited to use these as a part of a recipe rather than as a snack. These ones are produced to pair with a Pilsner, but considering I steer clear from most ales, I don't think I will be utilising that match. Instead, I'll be opting for Torres Vina Esmeralda Rose (£7.99) because of the garlic and spices that the meat is cured with. And yes, that is another Rose!

  3. M&S Spelt Rigatini I picked this up in M&S last week and can't wait to use it. I love pastas made from super nutty wholegrains. The denser and more savoury flavours that they have brings another dimension to dishes and they are much more nutrient dense than regular white pasta. I know they feel a bit more wintery in their taste and texture but they don't need a lot of sauce, pair well with meats and fatty fish, hold their flavour when used with most vegetables and pair even better with a good red wine or Blanc de Noirs Vintage.

3 Items I'll be Buying

  1. Moorish Smoked Houmous I know it is so easy to make your own houmous but sometimes it does work out more convenient to buy one. I haven't seen a smoked houmous without it being paprika or some other flavour so that's my excuse!

  2. Marmite Cream Cheese Love it or hate it, I know, I know. This is another one which I could probably make myself but the thought of blending or mixing the two is highly unappealing and the sticky mess has put me off. The product is part of an exclusive partnership with M&S, who recommended the cheese as a topping for breads or spooned onto tomato soup! Should my above recipe for Tomato Gazpacho with sesame and feta fail, I know what take two will consist of.

  3. Belazu Grape Mist Mustard described as sweet, hot and slightly sour. I've been craving mustard recently and although this sounds very different from the French classic, it sounds perfect for me.

A few Product Launches to Know

  1. Nestle are bringing Gin & Tonic favoured After Eights to the shelves in September. That's all that needs to be said here I think.

  2. NOOJ Nut Pastes. You add these to water, your smoothies, use them as part of a recipe or to top your breakfast toast. It provides the answer to those concerned with the nasties that some plant-based milks contains, is way more nutrient dense and packs a lot more flavour into a small portion.

  3. Casalinga has expanded it's range with 3 new pestos to try. The first which caught my eye was the Vegan Cauliflower and Curry Pesto because it sounds revolting but may just change your life. I won't be indulging myself, however, as it is a pine-nut based pesto and they are one of the very few foods that I have a severe intolerance to.

  4. Tropicana Whole Fruit Shots. Finally using the pulp, the pith, the fibre and the vitamins that fruit juices could provide were they not laden with sugar.

  5. FIX8 Kombucha brings new flavours including Citrus Saffron and Strawberry Tulsi. We love kombucha and kefir drinks at Supernova and I am super excited about these flavours.

  6. Sipsmith Lemon Drizzle Gin I don't drink gin but will definitely give this a try, and I know a lot of people who will be joining me.

  7. Simply Cook have a few new home cooking kits which promise to be just as good, if not better, than a takeaway. I have a few Thai and Indian recipes that I have wanted to try but never had all of the ingredients to hand so some of these may help me there.

  8. Belazu Salted Ricotta Cheese I love Belazu ingredients. They are always authentic, deliver on quality and the flavours are fantastic. I highly doubt that their cheeses will venture far from such credentials. This is one for tearing and not sharing.

  9. OTO CBD Bitters. This is super exciting for a girl who wants 'Wellness' to permeate my every move. The description for these non-alcoholic bitters says that they have been designed to "amplify tonics, juices and cocktails, helping to enhance social experiences and improve overall wellbeing". They contain botanicals that are selected not only for their flavour, but for antioxident properties and how they complement the effects of CBD to help with anxiety. If that doesn't call for a drink then I don't know what will.

That's my August Kitchen Round-Up complete! What's on your menu? If you're struggling, feel free to drop me a line and I will recommend foods, wines, flavours and fancies for you!

Whatever you have, make it gorgeous. Eat beautiful, Live beautiful.

AE x

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