I loved it the first time round and I love it the third, too. Whilst my teenager self followed the series to get a closer feel for the fashion world, my older self is more tuned in to the issues and relationships that make up the web of designer-dressed story lines and the world of MODE magazine. I don't condone "binging" on many things - save for a few fine wines and a selection of cheesecakes - but I admit that I have indulged a bit when watching Series 1 again. But now that I am writing about it, it all counts as research, right? Take note - or watch the show - because the issues and individuals have more relevance now than ever before.
1. THE REAL WORLD HAS MADE STRIDES in the acceptance and all-round graciousness of body-inclusivity. Ugly Betty sheds light (as if we need more) on how the Fashion World has long been plagued as the industry fuelling skinny-minnies and sticking to one-size / one-colour fits all. But nowadays there is less "surprise" and more applause at the variety of individuals gracing the cover of our favourite fashion magazines. At the time of writing, Lupita Nyong'o is fronting Vogue UK, Jill Kortleve - a more 'realistic' model - is on Vogue Paris, and Billy Porter is the face of Allure beauty magazine - a BLACK MALE on a make-up magazine? Gasp. Although we have far to go, the characters of Ugly Betty and pages of MODE Magazine would stand open-mouthed at the variety of individuals gracing the shelves and I am proud to be a part of the changes being made.
2. ITS OK TO LIVE WITH YOUR PARENTS whilst you go get 'em in the working world. After 6 years away, I have moved back in and every day I battle with the guilt that I am living off my parents or have regressed in life. Which I am not and have not, far from it in fact. But I am learning to wake up each day and be thankful that I have another day living comfortably and happily with people I love and want to be close to forever. Time is precious and I am lucky to have it with them. (But slightly can't wait for my own home again!)
3. ITS OK TO BE AS FLAMBOYANT AND AS DRAMATIC AS YOU WANT, as long as it doesn’t hurt others or leave a mess in its wake. Who can resist Justin’s songs and dance as he lives his life in made up spotlights? Who can honestly say that Amanda’s own little bubble of high-flying receptionist is harmful? They both create world’s that they want to be a part of, and sometimes we have to do the same! A few of my flamboyances? Probably some of the shoes I choose to wear, a bottle of champagne and a feathered pink or gold gel pen for my work – simple but extra no less. We all have drama, we all bring drama, and we all deserve the drama. Just make sure your drama won’t get karma knocking at your door later on.
4. STAY TRUE TO WHO YOU ARE. Such is the example of Justin Suarez as he thrusts his way into the limelight, or chowing down on empanadas with extra cheese because your father is a Mexican immigrant, you were raised in Queens, and you don’t need to diet like the rest of the world. Period.
5. SIBLING RIVALRY IS ONE THING, but sibling love is a league unto its own. There are many storylines and seedy plots to do with the relationships between siblings throughout the season. Betty and her sister Hilda, Daniel and his dead brother who turns out to be his living sister, and later on (Series 2) Wilhelmina’s younger sister. Whilst Hilda and Betty seem to have a more conventional relationship, that between Daniel and Alexis is far from clean – a history of sibling “preference” from each parent, jealousy and competitiveness of brothers, the sex-change bombshell, and, of course, the plans of Wilhelmina and Alexis to take over MODE and discard of Daniel entirely - all is brushed under the carpet when Daniel and Alexis form a rather fragile alliance and decide to run MODE together. Each relationship is tested in different ways. The common denominator? Blood is thicker than water, and a little trust goes a long way.
6. Continuing from Daniel’s Alex/Alexis relationship, the series addressed some serious issues far earlier than the topics became hot. Alexis described her childhood as “growing up in the wrong body” and said her Father would take her to football games and Boy Scouts to “cure” her. It seems, however, that it was Bradford who needed curing – and it took a comatosed Alexis to get Bradford to turn such a leaf. Whilst I don’t go into detail about the gender-change or the feelings associated with it, the message I took from this was about love. Don’t wait for an illness or a coma before you appreciate the family around you, whoever they may be. Boy, girl, woman, man, and everything in between: you can’t choose your family, but you can love every ounce of their being and are granted every day to do so.
7. ANOTHER ISSUE acknowledged? The presence of women in the world of business. It is told that Wilhelmina was bypassed for Daniel after Faye Sommer’s death, despite her capabilities and lack thereof of Daniel's. Hence her vicious plans to over turn the hierarchy and pretty successful plots toward doing so on the way. Furthermore, Wilhelmina challenges the status quo as she is a power-hungry coloured woman in a white mans world. This triumph is supported by starring alongside a Mexican Betty and fiery Glaswegian Christina, and an episode with a high-flying Chinese lawyer (Lucy Liu) who forces Daniel to apologise to the girls he hurt in college. Petty business for a such a lawyer, but justice successfully served, and another one contributing to the rest of the world-wide women represented.
8. A MONOCHROMATIC PALETTE is the ULTIMATE power-inducing outfit, ladies! See Wilhelmina throughout (an excuse to watch and take notes), and point 10 below.
9. PEOPLE WILL DO ANYTHING FOR A STORY and it’s a dog-eat-dog world when it comes to business, full stop. This hit me during the episode when Sofia admits on national television that she got Daniel to propose to her after 60 days – all in the name of her article and magazine. She came from humble roots in Mexico and would do nothing to stop from getting to the top. Despite his broken heart and betrayal, Daniel simply says “It’s just business, Dad”. I would never go out of my way to break a heart, but this episode proves that if you have no guts, you have no glory. Sometimes you need to go and get your story, and work hard for it.
10. THE RELATIONSHIPS WE HAVE really do affect the way we dress. I’m not talking about the sweatpants, gym kit or killer heels you may use to heal your broken heart. I mean as we go about our everyday lives. When Wilhelmina Slater kindles a romance with Ted LeBeau, she enters the office looking like a whole different person, wearing bootcut jeans and a top she bought from an outlet store. This appearance is a far cry from her usual tight-fitting power-woman wardrobe that accompanies the usual scenes and schemes that she dictates. It isn’t a marker of “not caring” or opting for slobs – she still looks 100% glamorous and the effort to look fabulous is still there. But the jeans are significant because it shows how much more comfortable we are when we are happy with our relationships, and how we are able to maintain our confidence and charisma whatever we are wearing. I’m not declaring a revolution to bring casual Friday’s to work every day, because dressing to kill all of the time may be your thing and its wholly more professional than jeans and a t-shirt. But when we feel happier in ourselves or have good relationships weaving their way into our lives, we seem to find making an effort easier and wear whatever we please with a polished spring in our step too. Sometimes, when we have let our guard down for someone we love, it shows in the armour that we wear and the armour that we discard of. Just don't discard of too much.
11. BEING KIND DOESN'T ALWAYS GET US WHAT WE WANT, but it’s a characteristic that we carry with us forever and one that we should carry with pride. Even tacky Hilda is easily and genuinely liked because of how kind she can be. And when Daniel buys Betty’s father tickets to Mexico? Heart breaker. And Betty? I don't even need to explain.
12. CHRISTINA - hilarious, happy, hard-working. Also a victim of domestic abuse at the hands of Stuart. Hence why the Scot is in America. Would you have guessed it if she hadn’t said it out loud? Probably not. Every one has a past and has battles that they have had to fight. But just like Christina, you can still shine brightly and make all those around you feel it too. So whatever war you are fighting, remember that you are a human, you deserve happiness, and you should spend every day seeking laughter.
13. On that note, its ok to get help if you need it. At the end of episode 21, we see Daniel taking medication to combat his sex addiction, after being forced into therapy by Betty. My favourite line though? When Betty says “Therapy looks good on you.” It’s ok to search for therapy, no matter what your problem and what the motivation may be. Help is out there and so is the support you need to see you through it. Happiness, healthiness and good old-fashioned love.
14. The final thing I learned? I'm way too sentimental!
What series have you re-watched and seen in a whole new light? Do share!
A x